ePodcast Producer - Giving the World a Voice

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

ePodcast Producer Version 1.0.18 released

ePodcast Producer Version 1.0.18

New Features :

1. Edit Music Track now provided as a menu item

2. "Lauch editor" added in File menu for direct launching of the editor.

3. Add effects to the effects buttons by right clicking on the effect file in the Locate audio section added.

Right click popup menu added for locate audio.

4. Prior version 1.0.16 had a limit of 12 files in effects.New version has the ability to have three pages of effects via; First page, Shift page and Control page

5. Dialog box added to ask the user which page the effect should be assigned.

6. The Welcome screen can now be launched from view menu.

7. If the podcast is an uncompressed PCM file, the application asks to compress it and then accordingly changes the RSS feeds and the pdi file.

8. Podcast information can also be viewed in the editor now.

9. Editor can be launched directly from "File -> Launch editor"

10. When editor is launched, a dialog box appears which shows until the editor is launched. Thus application does not seem to be doing anything.

11. Besides pdi files, audio files can also be opened from "File -> open" in ePPRecorder.

Bugs Fixed:

1. ePP and IAE cannot be launched simultaneously
2. The File/Export not working in trial ver (ePP Editor)
3. "Cannot change format" error when wizard is cancelled
4. ePP does not ask before overwriting the pdi file
5. Multiple error messages when files are open in editor if editor is in rip mode
6. The Music track audition is a lower volume than recording
7. Music and Voice Tracks cannot be saved twice
8. The Menu items on the ePPRecorder must be corrected.
9. Ctrl + P key for save as podcast not available in editor

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