ePodcast Producer's Welcome Screen presents you with 3 choices: Record a New Podcast; Open An Existing Podcast or Podcast Series; or Create Podcast from Existing Audio File.
To record a podcast, click Record a New Podcast. Note: If this window doesn't open, you may launch it by clicking File->New in the menu.
The first window of the Recording Screen presents you with 4 choices for recording: CD Quality (Best), which is the default setting and the setting we recommend using.
The other 3 choices are: FM Quality (Good); AM Radio Quality (Small file size); and Custom Quality. Clicking Custom Quality is the only option which will allow users to fill in their own Sampling Rate, Bit Rate, and Channels. After choosing the recording format, click Next.
There are several convenient ways to choose music, sound effects, and other sound files for your podcast. You can load up to 36 sound files--including music and sound effects--by using the Locate Music window of the Podcast Wizard (also located in the right hand side of Recording screen), or by simply Dragging & Dropping the desired file onto one of 36 hot button keys. You can even save or select entire files of music you've preselected for a particular program using the Music File List, also found in the Recording screen.
In order to use the Podcast Wizard to load Music/Sound files, follow these directions:
a) If you have previously loaded music files into ePodcast Producer, the Restore Music window will open. Choose either files you played in your last podcast or choose new ones by browsing the sound files in your computer. You do this in the Locate Tracks window of the Podcast Wizard.
Click Browse; find the folder with the music and sound effects files you want to use. Select the desired folder (highlighting it by clicking on it); click OK. The names of the files that are in that folder will be listed in the left pane of the window.
Select the file you want to use by clicking on it once to highlight it; click Add. The file name will appear in the right pane. Repeat for each file you wish to use. You can choose up to 36 files.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the files in the right pane. Files will be assigned to the function keys on the keyboard and on the corresponding function buttons across the bottom of the Record screen. When you have picked your files for the podcast, click Next.
The files you have chosen will automatically be assigned to the function keys on your keyboard and the function buttons at the bottom of the Record screen in the order they appear in your list. When you begin recording, you will find that the first 12 files are assigned to function keys F1-F12. The next 12 are assigned to Shift Key + function keys F1-F12. The final 12 are assigned to Control Key + F1-F12. You may also access sound files 13-24 by clicking Shift Page on the Recording Interface and sound files 25-36 by clicking Control Page on the Recording screen.
In order to use the Drag & Drop function to load Music/Sound files, follow these directions:
b) Drag & Drop the Wave or MP3 file you want to edit from the desktop onto the hot button keys. You do this by clicking on the file you wish to edit, holding down the mouse clicker, and dragging the file onto the button on the Recording screen. Release the clicker and the file will load.
Note: Right clicking on any hot button will allow you to remove the file or to create a loop of it.
In order to use the Teleprompter, click Show Teleprompter at the top right hand side of the Recording screen and an Open dialog box will appear. This prompts you to choose your podcast's script. Select text or .rtf files; click Open. The text you have selected will appear in the upper waveform window.
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