ePP Podcast Tutorial
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Part I - Recording & editing your first podcast using ePodcast Producer
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What follows is an explanation of a simple recording which utilizes a single music track. It demonstrates a podcast which starts with music, fades, adds a voiceover, raises the music in the middle, then finishes with music.
While recording, the Current Position indicator monitors how long you've been recording.
Click Recording Source in the center left of the main screen until the word appears above it that describes where your microphone is plugged into your sound card (as previously described under hardware requirements). If you're not sure what your recording source is, go through the choices until the vertical volume LED bar lights up when you speak into the microphone.
Your voice will be recorded live and will go onto the Voice Track; any pre-recorded music and sound effects that you use go onto the Music Track.
Set the volume of the microphone input by adjusting the sliders on either side of the Record/Pause buttons. In order to lock both sliders so that they move simultaneously, check the Lock L/R Volumes box in the upper right hand side of the screen.
Move the Master Mix Slider, labeled Mix, (the vertical bar to the right of the Voice and Music track displays) down so that you start out with the music high in the mix. You will raise it to bring the voice to the foreground. The amount you raise or lower it depends on the amount you want to change the mix, the volume of the individual audio clips, and your own preferences.
Click Record. Press the function button associated with the first sound you want.
Let that sound play as long as you want, then bring Mix back up toward the top by clicking the cursor on the slider button and sliding the button up. Start speaking.
To stop playback of a sound file, press Escape on the keyboard or click Stop Segments or Stop All Segments at the lower left of the main screen.
Note: Clicking Stop Segment returns you to the previous sound file that was playing immediately prior to the one that is currently playing. Stop All Segments ends all sound files that have been opened during your current recording. Clicking the function key of a file which is playing will stop that individual file.
Speak as long as you want and when it's time for another audio file, slide Mix down and click the appropriate function button for that audio file.
You can overlay, or record sounds, simultaneously. To overlay multiple sound files, press each function key whose sound you wish to incorporate in the overlay. As each key is pressed, it will play simultaneously with all sound files previously activated. To stop one or more files in the overlay, click the function key for each sound file that you wish to stop and each will stop immediately as you select it. Those that you do not select will remain playing. This would be useful is you had the sound of a glass breaking and the sound of a violin and wanted it to be recorded as if the glass were breaking while the music was playing.
To save all the sound effects you use in a particular podcast so you can use them later, click Save under Music File List. A dialog box appears. Select the location where you wish to save these effects and click Save. When you wish to use these files again, click Load, select the files you want to use, and click Open. They will be automatically loaded onto the correct buttons.
Continue with your voiceover until you're ready for the final music. Then, you can either use the Mix slider to fade the music down at the end, or wait until it finishes. Press the Record button to end your recording. You may pause the recording function any time while recording simply by click Pause.
Note: If you wish to stop recording and re-record for any reason (that is, if you do not merely wish to Pause the recording and begin again where you left off), use the following steps:
1) Click Stop Record;
2) Click Voice & Music again. This will open a dialog box: Do You Want To Insert Recording At Current Position? You would click Yes if you realize you have forgotten something which you wish to include in your podcast and want to insert it at this time. If this is the case:
a) As soon as you have stopped the recording, move the cursor (the green vertical line) to the position where you want to insert the material you forgot;
b) Click Recording Voice and Music;
c) Click Yes;
d) Speak or play the sound file you wish to include.
If you simply wish to start the entire recording over:
a) Click Recording Voice and Music;
b) Click No in the Do You Want To Insert Recording At Current Position? dialog box.
c) Dialog box appears: Do You Want To Clear Existing Recording and Start New Recording? Click Yes. Note: Recording will begin immediately upon clicking Yes.
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