ePodcast Producer - Giving the World a Voice

News & Views from the people who make ePodcast Producer & ePodcast Creator - the first fully integrated products specifically designed for creating, editing, and uploading podcasts.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

iPodcast Series of Podcasting Software Becomes ePodcast Series

iPodcast Series of Podcasting Software Becomes ePodcast Series

(July 27, 2005) Seattle, WA USA ­This week, Industrial Audio Software announces its popular iPodcast series of podcasting software will now become ePodcast. Company officials took this step to prevent any confusion between their software, which does everything needed to produce and upload podcasts, and Apple’s iPod, which can only be used for listening to podcasts. “We don’t want anyone to see ePodcast Producer and ePodcast Creator as being limited to one podcasting platform or function,” says company president, Tom Jeffries. “Our podcasting software does it all. So we’re using an e to indicate everything, as well as easy.”

The ePodcast series from Industrial Audio Software is the first completely integrated podcasting software system and has been hailed by The New York Times and CNET as “a noteworthy example of…a new class of software.” The most recent version of ePodcast Producer was unveiled three weeks ago to enthusiastic crowds of educators at the National Educational Computing Conference in Philadelphia and ePodcast Creator is winning raves as the most inexpensive way yet for part-time podcasters to begin podcasting immediately. Because both programs feature an on-screen wizard that leads users through the entire process of recording, editing, creating RSS feeds, and uploading to the internet, all from a single program, its popularity among podcasting professionals and beginners alike is understandable.

Employees of Industrial Audio Software believe the new product name more accurately reflects the scope and versatility of the ePodcast series and promise to continue focusing on other ways to maintain their leadership in podcasting software development. Clearly, they’re eXcited by the promise of podcasting and their company’s eXpressed goal of “Giving the world a voice.”

About Industrial Audio Software:

Industrial Audio Software is a subsidiary of Singing Electrons, Inc. ( http://www.singingelectrons.com ). Since 1984 Singing Electrons, Inc. has been a world leader in developing device drivers, applications, and firmware for AT&T, Disney, Dolby Labs, Lucasfilm, Motorola, NASA, Philips, QSound Labs, Samsung, Yahoo!, and a host of other companies.

For: Industrial Audio Software, POB 189, Lopez, WA 98261 http://phpstack-771840-5133921.cloudwaysapps.com
Further Information: Tom Jeffries, 360-468-2108, [email protected]

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