ePodcast Producer - Giving the World a Voice

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ePodcast Creator Version released Sept. 17, 2005

ePodcast Creator Version Release Notes

Changes in this Version:
1. Save the Custom (Host) settings in the hostsettings.ini file.
2. Instead of storing the hostsetting.ini at application data path, we are storing user name and Password (Login name) in registry.
3. Link to tutorial in opening dialog box and wizard

Bugs fixes:
1. Saving MP3 file on network drive and conversion using encoder "Windows ACM" is stuck
2. FTP upload process not successful when entering the XML feed name with ‘.xml’ extension.
Saving produces error: "Cannot open file..... “referring to the .xml file being created.
3. Manually entering the path in the “Save Podcast Info” dialog will not save as a podcast.
4. After recording a music file, opening editor to edit the file and returning to the recorder produces an access violation.
5. With some files, when mixed into the recording, there is a loud tick at the end of the file.
6. Canceling the "MP3 to Wave" conversion process in the Podcast Wizard not functioning properly.
7. Pressing Control and clicking on the waveform box to open the teleprompter script file, causes the effect function keys to go in Control mode putting all the effects in the first page. Creates user confusion.
8. ePC was not restoring the last set directory in the "Locate Audio" section.
9. The Playback and recording controls on ePP become disabled in certain conditions.
10. In the ePC Trial, the Real Audio export is showing Trial screen and not allowing use of "Export/Real Audio"
11. Changed the caption for MP3 TO Wave conversion process window.
12. The "Save as podcast" dialog box and the "Save Podcast Information” captions were corrected and reviewed.
13. "Cancel" button in iTunes Information form was not working.
14. After Deleting/removing/renaming locate music directory it is still opening directory in tree view.
15. The "iTunes Specific Information" dialog box is disabled at resolution: 1024x768 120dpi.
16. The Audio Quality of the Music files decreases, if I record in different formats one after another.
17. Label on effects buttons
18. Feed is not Validating if "©" Mark in Copyright : [Special character]
20. Image in Dialog box which appears after trial expiration not appearing proper.
21. Show Email Hint for WebMaster and Editor.
22 Erratic changes in the record source on ePP Recorder when loading and unloading the ePPEditor.
23. MP3 decoder not installed. Warning appearing multiple times for each MP3 files added to the wizard.
24. While uploading a podcast the upload process cannot be stopped. Access to ePC not available.
25. Empty folder can be assigned to music effect buttons.
26. When we select Custom in the Host Name popup of the Save Podcast dialog it shows a dialogue box that accepts the Host Settings for New Host.
27. "Tab Indexes" for buttons on Save Podcast Information form should be revised.
28. Showing message "Saved Audio Filename one.mp3 does not exist in the podcast link."
29. In the iTunes Information dialog box showing error message : List index out of bounds (-1)
30. Music function key press stops the playback of recorded file.
31. During playback of Music, Voice or Mixed track, pausing the playback and then FF or Rewind, results in the cursor moving in the Voice track only..
32. In some instances music file playback results in fast forward or very slow tempo.
33. If MP3 codec is not available the program does not allow adding Wave files to the music function keys.
34. During recording of voice track, adding a music file from the locate music section causes program freezing.
35. Pausing recording and adding a music file to a music function key causes program freezing.
36. When no music file is assigned on the music function keys, the right click on it is showing a popup menu having option "Unassign Effect"

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