ePodcast Producer - Giving the World a Voice

News & Views from the people who make ePodcast Producer & ePodcast Creator - the first fully integrated products specifically designed for creating, editing, and uploading podcasts.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bringing the ePodcast Series to Portable Media Expo

(Seattle WA-November 3, 2005) "Podcasting started out as entertainment, but we're seeing it grow far beyond that. Podcasting is a powerful way of communicating, and corporations, schools, non-profits, government agencies, religious and social groups, advertisers, and others are recognizing this potential." This is how Industrial Audio Software CEO, Tom Jeffries, explains the importance of his company's presence at the Portable Media Expo in Ontario, California, November 11 and 12. IAS will bring its popular ePodcast Series to what is being billed as the most complete conference yet on podcasting and related technology.

Because of this billing, Portable Media Expo is a natural venue for Industrial Audio Software to unveil its two latest surprise offerings in its line of innovative podcasting products. Continued development in response to users' needs promises to make these exciting new products consistent with the creative solutions that have established the ePodcast Series as "a noteworthy example of a new class of software (John R. Quain, The New York Times)."

Portable Media Expo organizers are expecting over 2,500 representatives from all walks of audio and video media to gather and hear over ninety professional presentations. Also, in keeping with their commitment to bring podcasting into the classrooms of schools everywhere, Industrial Audio Software has teamed with Portable Media Expo to make available complimentary tickets to southern California educators who respond to a special invitation. From Florida to Washington state, IAS is working with teachers and districts to make podcasting a daily part of teaching and learning.

In addition to complimentary passes, show discounts, and the opportunity to meet representatives of Industrial Audio Software, the ePodcast Team is giving all of its visitors a special opportunity: the chance to create and upload their own five minute podcast right from the IAS booth. Regardless of one's technical skills, anyone who wishes will learn how easy it is to create, record, edit, and upload a podcast using ePodcast Producer. This is just one more way Industrial Audio Software has of "Giving the World a Voice."

About Industrial Audio Software:

Industrial Audio Software is a subsidiary of Singing Electrons, Inc. (http://www.singingelectrons.com). Since 1984 Singing Electrons, Inc. has been a world leader in developing device drivers, applications, and firmware for AT&T, Disney, Dolby Labs, Lucasfilm, Motorola, NASA, Philips, QSound Labs, Samsung, Yahoo!, and a host of other companies.

For: Industrial Audio Software, POB 189, Lopez, WA 98261 http://phpstack-771840-5133921.cloudwaysapps.com
Further Information: Tom Jeffries, 360-468-2108, [email protected]

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